

Don't Worry, the South is Still Booming

Steve Moore & Clara Hawthorne, Washington Times

Trump's Entire Story About Economy Fell Apart This Week

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

Trump Economy Is Booming, and That's Great News for America

Andy Puzder, Fox

The False Fiscal Conservatism of Trump and the GOP

John Cassidy, The New Yorker

Eulogies For the Economic Expansion Make Me Want to Party

Ken Fisher, USA Today

John Cochrane Gets It Wrong: Stable Prices Are Not the Goal

Nathan Lewis, Forbes

The Importance of Rules In Federal Reserve Policymaking

Michael Bordo, The Hill

Peter Schiff Ascribes Powers to the Fed That Simply Don't Exist

John Tamny,Forbes

We Should Thank Amazon for Letting Us Have Jobs

Max Read, New York Magazine

Books: A Thought-Provoking Look Into the Underclass

John Coumarianos, Quillette

The Rising National Debt Isn't Problem for Social Security

Sean Williams, Motley Fool

Economics Isn't Dismal. It's Useful When It's Relatable

Justin Wolfers, New York Times

7 People Who Are Changing Face of Modern Power

Emma Whitford, Worth Magazine

The Insane Itinerary of the World's Most Frequent Flyer

Melkorka Licea, New York Post

The World's 50 Most Valuable Sports Teams 2019

Kurt Badenhausen, Forbes

The Psychology of Prediction

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

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