TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 3, 2017

Paul Krugman: Trump Is About to Launch His First Major War, and It's as Ill-Conceived as You'd Imagine

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

He's convinced threatening our allies is the best way to achieve a win. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: There's a More Frightening Possibility Than Trump Is Just Nuts

By Robert Reich,

The former secretary of labor dissects the president's bizarre wrestling tweet. READ MORE»

John Oliver Prepares America for the Trump Propaganda Assault to Come

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The "Last Week Tonight" host explores the myriad dangers of the Sinclair-Tribune merger. READ MORE»

Donald Trump and Neil Gorsuch Have the Religious Right Thinking Big—Really Big

By Peter Montgomery, Right Wing Watch

This administration plans to roll back so much more than Obama's legacy. READ MORE»

Charles Blow: Trump Is Defiling the Presidency with His Mere Presence in the White House

By Lauren Kaori Gurley, AlterNet

"His tweet was just another pebble on a mountain of vulgarities." READ MORE»

Don't Call It the Trump Administration—This Is a Regime

By Carol Anderson, The Guardian

Trump has no desire or intention to govern. He wants to rule and make his word our command. READ MORE»

The Department of Justice's Corporate Watchdog Resigns in Disgust, Slams Trump on the Way Out

By David Sirota, International Business Times

"I wanted no more part in it." READ MORE»

Black Deliveryman Too Traumatized to Work After Butcher Hands Him a Noose

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

“It’s not easy returning to an environment where you mean nothing.” READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Brian McFadden on Life in GOP Hospitals

By Brian McFadden, AlterNet

Where you reach your lifetime cap as soon as you're born. READ MORE»

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