Tune in for Eckhart’s live QA webinar—and learn about his new online course with Sounds True.
Registration now open for a live webinar and new 3-part video series with Eckhart Tolle.
Dear friends,

We’re writing to remind you that our live webinar with Eckhart Tolle begins this evening, May 3 at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.

In this live webinar, Eckhart Tolle will be speaking with Tami Simon, the founder of Sounds True, about the major obstacles to bringing more Presence into your life and also about daily Presence practices.

Your friends at Eckhart Teachings

P.P.S. During the webinar we are also going to open registration for our first online course with Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Presence: An Eight-Week Training Course for Awakening Consciousness and Living in the Now.
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