Report: Dispersed workforce stalls collaboration and creativity With many working remotely, an emphasis has been placed on productivity, stifling group-produced projects and all around inventiveness, according to a survey by Lucid. Maintaining electronic communications in business involves walking a fine line. Employees want relevant information to be kept available for future reference so that they can do their jobs, but keeping these items long-term can pose security and... |
Additional TechRepublic resources | Photos: Turn a new leaf with the best Zoom backgrounds for fall How has COVID-19 affected your overall cloud strategy? Does your company use a multicloud deployment? Take this quick survey and tell us. A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic | Reimagining business for the digital age is the number-one priority of many of today's top executives. Get practical advice and examples of how to get your digital transformation right. Connect with TechRepublic |