Plus, learn how to determine your body fat percentage.
| | | | Jamie Eason Middleton and Dr. Chelsea Axe are here to help you break through your plateau with a game-changing fitness and nutrition program that uses metabolic training and carb cycling. |
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| | | TRAINING Return to your ancestral roots with these six innate movement patterns to improve your functional — and physique — results. READ MORE ▶ |
| | FAT LOSS Looking for a body-fat calculator you can trust? Here's how to determine your body-fat percentage — and what the information means for your health. READ MORE ▶ |
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| | | | | 5 Must-try squat variations The classic squat may be your go-to, foolproof booty exercise, but do you do the same one over and over? Time to go beyond the basics to tighten your booty. READ MORE ▶ |
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