Today's Top Story - 07.07.16 |
Russound’s John Trimbach Dies, 61 Trimbach was a sales rep for majap and CE distributor Eastco early in his career; he later went on to found Trimbach Associates, a manufacturer’s representative company, and was most recently a sales manager at Russound. He also held positions with Sookbox and Autonomic Controls. Read full story » |
Blog of the Day |
Guaranteed Way to Get Paid Faster By John Sciacca I have a running “joke” with my business partner, Al. He’ll tell me how big of a job he just sold, and then I’ll tell him that until we get paid, it isn’t sold, it’s a gift. It’s true, though. Until you get paid for services rendered and equipment installed, it really isn’t a sale. In fact, it’s just a big fat liability. Read full story »
Quote of the Day |
"Convergence between security and home automation is happening. More and more, skills in integration and IP networking are being required to understand contemporary security products and their role in integrated home automation systems. We are excited to be able to offer CEDIA members access to our catalog of training products."—Connie Moorhead, president for the CMoor Group and
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