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August 12, 2017


Saber Rattling No Match for Summer Doldrums in the Bond Market

Geopolitics, low-inflation figures, soft data and dovish Fed comments can’t seem to break the narrow trading range, says Informa’s Chief Macro Strategist David Ader.

DOL Files for 18-Month Delay of Fiduciary Rule

Diana Britton

The filing doesn’t provide details about the delay.

DOL’s Latest FAQs Address 401(k) Advisors

Diana Britton

In its latest round of FAQs, the DOL clears up retirement-plan advisors' confusion around 408(b)(2) disclosures and recommendations to increase contributions and plan participation.

Excessive Fees Lawsuit Against First Eagle Dropped

Diana Britton

Plaintiffs claimed First Eagle charged them more than what it made as a sub-advisor for a similar fund. On Wednesday, they dismissed the action with prejudice.

Another Insurance Firm Sheds Broker/Dealer

Diana Britton and Nicholas Ader

Securian will sell H. Beck to Kestra Financial, adding about 600 advisors and $2.4 billion in client assets.

What Is Aaron Klein Building With Riskalyze?

Ryan W. Neal

Now with a robo, proprietary investment models and a marketplace for asset managers, the industry wonders what's next for the tech company.

Arnott: Performance Chasing Is Investors' Greatest Sin

Dan Weil

"If financial advisors accomplish just one thing—to give clients the courage to stay the course, to not sell at the bottom, and not buy more of the hot sector at the top—they’ve accomplished something of great value and should be proud of it."

Affirmative Action for Wealthy Students

Lynn O'Shaughnessy

The biggest beneficiaries of college admissions practices are wealthy students of any background.

The 10 Craziest ETFs of the Year

Diana Britton

As ETFs proliferate, so do funds based on ever narrower, and ever more creative, slices of the market.

How to Improve the Client Experience

Matt Matrisian

In this competitive market, it takes more than just financial results to keep clients.