Discover how lifting weights can help you lose fat! For years, there was an unspoken rule in the fitness industry: Never show a woman lifting a barbell — or even a black dumbbell. Women were only supposed to use the light and pretty weights — those 2-pound pink dumbbells that are lighter than your makeup bag. Isn’t that ridiculous? After all, the average woman’s purse weighs 8 pounds, and a toddler weighs 30 pounds or more. Women aren’t weak! And more important, according to a Brazilian study, women who strength-trained 3 times a week gained 5 pounds of muscle and lost 16 pounds of fat! As you shed pounds and add muscle, your body size decreases and you look tight, toned, and fit! | | The 12-Week Head-to-Toe Transformation will get you off the treadmill and down to real results: | | Plus, you’ll learn about the cutting-edge nutrition discovery that allows women to eat more but lose weight FASTER. |  | GET READY TO INCREASE YOUR METABOLISM, BURN FAT, AND SCULPT A LEAN, SEXY BODY! | GET FREE SHIPPING |