Disclosure: All TopLine savings accounts, money market and share certificates are federally insured up to at least $250,000, and IRAs are insured for an additional $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). Membership with a $5.00 Share Savings Account is required. Offer is good through 3/31/23. *APY means Annual Percentage Yield. Rates effective as of 3/19/23. Rates are subject to change after account has been opened. **Minimum balance of $1,000.00 required to open certificate. Unless otherwise disclosed, dividends are calculated daily and paid quarterly. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal, which may reduce account earnings. At maturity certificate will automatically renew for 12-month term at the current market rate if not withdrawn. APY is accurate as of the last dividend declaration date. ✝Minimum balance of $5,000.00 to $99,999.99 required to open TopLine Savings account. ✝✝ Minimum balance of $100,000.00 to $250,000.00 required to open TopLine Savings account. Balances that fall below the minimum will not earn dividends and may incur a monthly fee, which will reduce account earnings. Dividends are calculated daily and paid monthly. Fees could reduce earnings. Visit TopLinecu.com or call 763-391-9494 for more details about rates and terms. Federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration. |