Take Ragan’s Salary & Workplace Culture Survey
We're all feeling the financial strain these days. Prices for everything, from housing to meals, seem to be on the rise, making it challenging to stretch your dollar as far as before.
Is your pay keeping pace with inflation and the rising cost of, well, everything?
Find out how your pay compares to industry standards by taking Ragan and PR Daily’s Salary & Workplace Culture Survey. By sharing details about your salary, benefits, workplace perks, and more, you'll provide valuable insights for professionals in the communications field and help employers develop more competitive compensation packages.
Your responses will be confidential and the results anonymized. As a participant, you will receive the annual Ragan Salary Survey & Compensation Report with all the findings. You’ll also receive a $150 discount to a Ragan virtual conference.
Your contribution will help create greater transparency and equity in the communications industry.
Contact us with questions or for assistance:
Shallon Blackburn at shallonb@ragan.com or 800-878-5331.
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