Top stories of the week from the ABA Journal. Trouble viewing this email? View online.

ABA Journal's Top Stories of the Week
Friday, March 3, 2017

Sessions recuses himself from Russia probe

A Message From Abacus Next

Abacus Next - Blog: How to Stay Competitive as a Lawyer in Today’s Tech Landscape

Open link to file-sharing site was like leaving legal file on a bench, judge says; privilege waived

Amazon’s Echo has First Amendment rights, retailer argues in murder case

Federal judge blasts 'at best, unprofessional' behavior of lawyer who wrote 'meritless' objection

SCOTUS clerk tells amici to caption case of transgender teen with masculine pronoun

360,000 hours a year of doc review eliminated by JPMorgan Chase software

Chemerinsky: Why the Supreme Court's ruling on race-based evidence matters

How to host a networking event that actually brings in business (podcast with transcript)

Judge who ordered handcuffing of public defender is banned from bench

Rural county faces possible bankruptcy after $28M judgment for wrongful convictions

Free LSAT prep courses to be offered by Khan Academy

Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch has a plan to revive the near-extinct civil jury trial

Will delaying the exam and adding training help Arizona Summit students pass the bar?

Racial gerrymandering case will mostly return to the district court for new analysis

'Reasonably fit' reporter tries Justice Ginsburg's workout and finds it is grueling

ABA Journal cover page.

Question of the Week

We want to hear from you

What's your workout?

Last month, 27-year-old journalist Ben Schreckinger got Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s personal trainer to take him through her twice-weekly workout, using double the weight that the 83-year-old Ginsburg does on the strength exercises to achieve the same effect.

Ginsburg’s twice-weekly exercise routine, Schreckinger revealed, involves bench presses, pushups, dumbbell curls, leg curls, leg presses, lat pulldowns, one-legged squats, squats using an exercise ball, planks and platform stepups.

This week, we’d like to ask you: What’s your workout? Do you go to the weight room? Run, bike or swim? How many times per week are you at it?

Answer in the comments.

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