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The bathing season is starting but is the water quality improving?

Sun, sand, vacation….there’s no doubt summer is back. What about the water quality in which bathers and water sports enthusiasts have decided to spend their vacations? Is it safe? Can they dive in without risks to their health?

water quality directive

The Directive on bathing water quality at the heart of future European discussions

Working on the topic of water quality and the public health for the past 20 years, Surfrider Foundation Europe will take part in discussions to revise the Directive on the surveillance of bathing water qualitytaking place in 2020-2021.

farewell letter bag

Farewell letter to the plastic bag

Dear Plastic Bag,
You and I, I thought we were meant to last. I thought we were made for each other, and that when we first met, it was to be the beginning of a long and beautiful story together...

General Assembly surfrider

Surfrider General Assembly

On July 11, Surfrider Europe held its Annual General Assembly. Many members came to participate in the discussions and give their votes to elect the members of the Board of Directors. An opportunity to get involved in the life of the association by questioning the Board of Directors, whose role is to change the organisation’s strategy and political vision. The Assembly was also accessible via streaming, the video is available below.

Surfrider in the field
Surfrider Loire Atlantique Mer XXL

Surfrider Loire-Atlantique embarks to Sea XXL

In Nantes (France) from June 29 to July 11, the event « Mer XXL » (Sea XXL) took place: an immersive and participative exhibition to raise awareness on the marine environment. During 10 days, Surfrider Loire-Atlantique proposed to the participants some games for all the public on issues relative to marine litter, and also some pedagogical animations for kids.

Surfrider Germany Ocean friendly restaurants

New « Ocean Friendly » places with Surfrider Germany

Surfrider Germany recently welcomed the two restaurants « Isa Café & Eis” and “Pola Café” in the Ocean Friendly restaurants Germany community. This program ensures the customer that his/her consumption is sustainable. Cakes, coffee, teas, all without plastic and thought in the respect of the environment: reusable dishes, recycling procedures respected, and no polystyrene product. This project will be developed soon in the other countries of the Surfrider Europe chapters’ network.

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New tee shirts for kids

Our logo tee now for kids

Because protecting the ocean begins in childhood, Surfrider has declined its most representative t-shirt for children. Created to respect our values, our Logo collection is 100% made of organic cotton, in Portugal and without any plastic.


SURFRIDER FOUNDATION EUROPE -33, Allée du Moura - 64200 Biarritz

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