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As you recall, the government illegally monitored communications between at least one attorney and his January 6 defendant…and the FBI DESTROYED EVIDENCE AND FABRICATED EVIDENCE to railroad innocent patriots.
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As you recall, the government illegally monitored communications between at least one attorney and his January 6 defendant…and the FBI DESTROYED EVIDENCE AND FABRICATED EVIDENCE to railroad innocent patriots.
Dear Patriot, If you’re sick of the FBI treating Americans’ Constitutional rights like trash, it’s absolutely crucial for you to give a critical $25, $50, $100, or more immediately. Last month, I wrote to you about the FBI destroying critical evidence and committing crimes against January 6 peaceful protesters. As you recall, the government illegally monitored communications between at least one attorney and his January 6 defendant…and the FBI DESTROYED EVIDENCE AND FABRICATED EVIDENCE to railroad innocent patriots. Frankly, you have a right to know the details of this shocking development. You can read more about it here. And if you scroll down the page, you can read the eight-page legal motion we filed for our client, Dominic Pezzola. Right now, NCLU is fighting for Dominic and 33 other patriots who are getting railroaded by Joe Biden’s rotten Department of Justice. Patriot, please stand with NCLU as we fight for these innocent Americans in court. Your special gift of $25, $50, $100, or more is crucial. Please give what you can immediately. Thank you. In Vigilance, John M. Pierce Founder and General Counsel National Constitutional Law Union P.S. Patriot, very few Americans really know just how far gone the FBI is…and how much danger January 6 patriots face. Please feel free to read NCLU’s post about FBI corruption and read our legal brief. Then give whatever you can afford right now. 34 good Americans lives hang in the balance. DONATIONS TO THE NCLU ARE NOT TAX-DEDUCTIBLE THE NCLU IS A NON-PROFIT SOCIAL WELFARE ORGANIZATION THAT IS IN THE PROCESS OF APPLYING FOR 501(C)(4) TAX-EXEMPT STATUS. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF FUNDS RAISED BY THE NCLU WILL BE PAID TO A LAW FIRM OWNED AND/OR CONTROLLED BY THE FOUNDER, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AND CEO OF THE NCLU FOR LEGAL SERVICES AND COSTS INCURRED BY CLIENTS OF THE FIRM IN CONNECTION WITH LITIGATIONS WITHIN THE FULL MISSION STATEMENT AS DETERMINED IN THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE NCLU BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND AS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY THOSE CLIENTS.