Harbin Garden with a bright blue sky above the blossoming trees.


Health Services



March 28, 2024

Celebrate Springtime at Harbin Hot Springs

Open the windows, feel the breeze and let the sun shine in! Spring has arrived with fresh inspiration and a sense of excitement. Birds greet the morning singing songs to remind us how to be open-hearted and grateful for what the day may bring. Blossoms appear out of nowhere, tiny but powerful gifts of hope. Vines burst through cracks in the sidewalk - each bringing its own story to life as it reaches for the sun. Earth's cycles of renewal and decay and renewal once again are miraculous and brilliant, calling for celebration. May we do our best to greet each day with as much joy as the birds with their songs, overflowing and showering everyone and everything around us with love to create a ripple of Heart Consciousness through the world.

A water modality therapist and recipient are in the therapy pool for a Watsu treatment. The recipient floats on the water while the therapist gently holds the person's head and shoulders.

Aquatic Bodywork at Harbin

Did you know Watsu® (Water Shiatsu) began in 1980 when Harold Dull started floating people in the warm pool at Harbin while applying the stretches and principles of the Zen Shiatsu he had studied in Japan? In a Watsu session, the support of water takes weight off the vertebrae allowing the spine to be moved in ways impossible on land, releasing tension through the process of gentle continuous flow and connection to breath.

Two women are in the water, one is holding the other gently stretchin as the other reaches underwater touching the bottom of the pool while holding their breath with a nose clip on. WaterDance is a type of therapy where the receiver goes underwater during the session.

Watsu has evolved into an entire category of treatments called Aquatic Bodywork. Watsu® and Waterdance™are the two aquatic modalities practiced at Harbin, and you'll find other variations around the world. Call our Health Services at (707) 987-2477, ext. 2000 to experience a session on your next visit.

Show your love of Harbin

Many of you have requested more ways to show off your love of Harbin. We're happy to now offer an even larger variety of Harbin merchandise for you to bring home with you after your visit including tees, key chains, water bottles, robes and more.

Stop by the Reception Office on your next visit as these items are only available to purchase here at Harbin.

A variety of tees, sweatshirts, water bottles, a robe and keychain with the Harbin logo are on display in the office.
Red flower buds sparkle with dew in the foreground. Misty background garden shows a sunbeam shining on a statue.

Get to know Our Managing Directors

Our team is working hard to rebuild something deeply loved from the past, while also creating something beautiful and new for the future. We began featuring Harbin’s operations leaders last year so you can get to know the hearts behind Harbin's rebuild project.

Photo of a person wearing sunglasses oudoors with the reflection of a boat in the glasses. They have a floral mask tucked beneath their chin and are smiling.

Sue Bermudez is a shining light who brings the Heart to Harbin with her openness, communication, and integrity in leadership. Working together, building not only new buildings but connections, friendships and creative collaborations is something all of us cherish here at Harbin.We are so thankful for Sue.

What passions do you have?

Living a really cool life, having fun, having friends, and making a difference.

What do you do in your free time?

Depends on the time of year. My favorite times of the year are when it is sunny. I work on my tan, kayak, take my boat out and each year I buy a really cool raft, to float on Clear Lake and read. During the winter months I’m planning the family Thanksgiving and Christmas parties. I’m going to have to stop soon as I keep inviting more and more family and my house is getting too small.

What does a typical morning/day look like for you at work?

My morning always starts with meeting with my Direct Reports to find out how they are planning their day and what’s going on with my co-workers.

... CLICK HERE to read the rest of the interview with Sue on our blog page.And you can catch up on our interviews from last year featuring Managing Directors, Chayo and Lia.

Pool water shimmers turquoise with shadows of the lattice shade structure making a pattern on the water.


Below are just a few of our upcoming events. Check our Events Calendar for a complete list of events and classes.

Experience Soundbaths, Prayer Circles, Yoga, Sharing Circles, Movies, Dances and so much more. Events are free with paid admission to Harbin Hot Springs unless otherwise noted. Donations greatly appreciated.

Spiritual Gathering of the Harbin Ministers

Every 3rd Sunday, 3-4:30pm

Join us in the Events Center for our monthly Spiritual Gathering. Each month our Spiritual Gathering is filled by a sharing from one of our Harbin Ministers, discussion on new HCC business and a Visioning Session guided by R. Lane with a closing Affirmative Prayer. Afterwards one of our ministers will be available for individual prayer or to answer any questions. Non-HCC ministers and guests are very welcome to attend as observers.

The shape of a person dancing reaching out as though opening their hearts. Words say get the issues out of your tissues.

MIP: Move in Presence with Heather Christensen

Every 4th Sunday, 10am-12pm

Similar to talking therapy, instead we MOVE the issues out of the tissues. We move what we feel on that present day. Anger, rage, lethargy, sadness, tiredness, fear, numbness, love, joy could be some emotions that come up through this somatic embodiment class. Doors close 15 min after starting time.

Walking Meditation with Chandrika

Monday, April 8, 11-11:30am

Come walk in Silence to honor our sacred connection to ourselves, each other, and Nature. Facilitated by Lauren Chandrika Leary, Harbin Minister, long time Community member, and devotee of Maya Amritanandamayi Ma. Your presence is welcomed.

Tai Chi with Bob Klein

Wednesdays, April 10 & 24, 11am-12pm

Tai Chi is a series of postures intended to create harmony between the mind and body. Movements are fluid, graceful, circular, and slow, promoting strength, flexibility, and balance.

DJ stand in front of a sign saying This is Sacred Space Silence is Golden.

Harbin Dance

Every Wednesday, 8-10pm

Come dance and move in joyful bliss to specially curated music! This dance is a sacred space where all are welcomed, leaving alcohol, technology, and verbal communication off the dance floor. Updated DJ schedules are posted on our events calendar monthly. Move as you wish and prepare to be Danced!

View the full Events Calendar here.

The pool area sundeck has benches and lounge chairs with an expansive view of the hillsides of Harbin Canyon. A blue sky is above the green hills.

Plan Your Visit

Reservations are required and rooms are booking quickly for the season. Call 707-987-2477 to book your stay. Or visit www.harbin.org to reserve online.

Interior of Grove Cottage with a bed, closet and door showing beneath the high ceiling.

Room deposit and rescheduling policy effective April 1, 2024

Room Deposit: A $100 deposit will be applied to guest’s reservations upon check-in. This deposit may be charged for late check-outs, damage of rooms, tickets, or for additional cleaning fees. Rescheduling Policy: Guests may only reschedule their reservation for a maximum of two times. Our facilities are rustic, and our capacity is limited at this time. Thank you for your understanding.

An open aired pavilion structure with a sleek metal roof and skylight sits surrounded by trees and plants. A few pink roses are visable in the foreground as well as some lemons on a tree. The sky is blue and the pavilion beams are painted white.

Harbin Garden Pavilion Supporter Display

Reserve your customized plaque dedication for a donation of $1000.Act now to be a part of the Harbin Garden Pavilion Supporter commemorative display so we can celebrate your contribution to rebuilding Harbin for years to come. Thanks to you, our generous supporters, we are nearing our goal.Only ten plaques remain available so be sure to reserve yours soon. Email fundraising@harbin.org after donating or with any questions about your dedication.Donations of all sizes mean the world to us. Please visit harbin.org/donate.

Roots from fig trees reach down alongside a steep hill where a waterfall flows into a small creek. At the base of the waterfall is bouquet of pink flowers.
A tent sits in the grassy green meadow campground area.

Spring is truly a lovely time of year at Harbin. Nature's nurturing embrace envelopes us in its sparkling colorful flowers and butterflies fill the air. Sounds of frogs, birds, water flowing and breezes blowing bring a sense of calm to our hearts and minds. With a beautiful mix of sunshine and spring showers the temperature is delightfully perfect for hiking, bike riding, swimming and soaking. Whether you seek connection with others or a solo retreat for meditation, Harbin offers a little bit of something for almost everyone. And no matter what your plans are for this season, we encourage you to step outside and make the most of each beautiful day, wherever you happen to be.

We hope to see you soon!

~ Harbin Hot Springs


Health Services



Harbin Hot Springs - Heart Consciousness Church


P.O. Box 782, Middletown, CA 95461


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