What a treat it was to kick off our 2025 season of Gardening Australia last week. There’s something really special for our whole team when we know that the stories we have been working on, are going out and reaching their destination: which is all of you, our loyal viewers! I spent a large part of last Friday speaking to radio stations around the country and it never escapes me just how special it is to be able to talk about the show from community to community and share some highlights around what is coming up across the year ahead. | | |
 ***Due to a special broadcast of 7:30, Gardening Australia will screen at 8:05pm tonight*** Costa meets an unstoppable gardener, Hannah tours a huge restaurant garden, Josh visits a community nursery, Clarence looks at native groundcovers that can help squeeze out weeds in the garden and Sophie combines edible and ornamental plants. | | |
 Sophie shows how to combine edible and ornamental plants to get even more colour and produce from your patch. | | |
 Clarence profiles great native groundcover plants to help squeeze out the weeds! | |
Can you name the plant? (Bonus if you know the botanical name too!) |
Watch the show tonight to find out if you got it right! The answer will also be in next week’s newsletter! |
How did you go? Last week's plant was Bachelor's Buttons - Gomphrena canescens |
Plants, Projects and Practical Tips |
 Affectionately known as ‘Nanna plants,’ it’s easy to see why some old-fashioned favourites are making a comeback! | | |
These easy to make seedling protectors will help keep the snails and slugs at bay. | | |
 Are your pot plants looking a bit ‘sad’? It might be time for a check-up! | |
 Get your autumn vegie patch off to a flying start! | |
 It’s autumn gardening time! | |
There's plenty to watch on iview! | |
Gardening Australia Junior |
Ready to get your hands dirty? Gardening Australia Junior Season Two is here and it’s blooming bigger and better than ever! We’ve got a whole new gang of mini green thumbs pulling on their gloves and grabbing their spades, ready to explore the magic of gardening with hosts Costa, Clarence, Hannah, Tammy and Millie. This season, every episode is packed with fun, family-friendly projects that’ll have you levelling up your green space, whether it’s a balcony garden or a big backyard.
Gardening Australia Junior Season Two is all about celebrating mess, nurturing curiosity, and inspiring a whole new generation of budding gardeners. Tune in to ABC Kids on Fridays at 7:05pm or on iview and let’s grow together! | |
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