Hi John!
Did you know spending just 5 minutes making art can have some seriously incredible benefits?
The best part is that it doesn’t matter what type of art you're making - doodling, creating patterns, or working on a months-long masterpiece - just spend a few minutes doing it to feel these incredible benefits ⤵️
⓵ Decrease Stress
Focusing our minds on one task is a practice in mindfulness, which has been shown to decrease stress. When we spend time in the zone, or in a state of flow, it allows our brains to slow down, pay attention to details, and not get caught up in our constant stream of recurring thoughts.
② Increase Dopamine
Making art activates the reward system of the brain, which releases dopamine, the happy hormone! Dopamine triggers our amygdala and hippocampus, the parts of the brain responsible for emotions and memory. Just 5 minutes of art can cause the amygdala to feel enjoyment, while the hippocampus recalls and creates positive memories of similar experiences.
⓷ Spark Creativity
Spending only 5 minutes making art might not sound like it will inspire much creativity, but it does! Knowing that we’re only going to spend 5 minutes creating immediately takes the pressure off to create something perfect. When we feel free to take risks, try new things, and not worry about the outcome, we are at our most creative. A 5 minute experiment might turn into a project for the future, or get abandoned in the notebook. Low risk, high reward.
⓸ Explore Materials
Trying out a new art supply can feel intimidating! You’re not quite sure how it will feel in your hand, how it will look on the paper, or how it will behave with other materials. Instead of trying to create a finished product right away, spend 5 minutes everyday for a week exploring a new material or combination of materials; over time, you and your child will be brimming with confidence with these new materials.
Ideas for getting started:
1. Look around your home for new materials to explore: paint with coffee, draw with painter’s tape, collage with junk mail, build with cereal boxes, etc.
2. Open a journal, sketchbook or find any sheet of paper. Pick up a favorite mark-making tool and allow yourself to doodle with no expectations.
3. Join our free 30-day Art Journal Experience, and we’ll guide you with tips for building this super beneficial art habit.
Founder, TinkerLab
p.s. If you're a teacher, we're dreaming up something just for you! Please fill out this short survey and help us create an experience that could save you time and bring more art to your students >>
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