There is no doubt that life has dramatically changed for most of the world this year. Many of us are grappling with reality or have grudgingly found ways of working around things. Meanwhile, there are those who are seeing the opportunities within the constraints. This week's stories highlight people who have learned to change their frame and embrace and dance with the ever-changing life. --Guri
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." --Winston Churchill
Editor's Note: There is no doubt that life has dramatically changed for most of the world this year. Many of us are grappling with reality or have grudgingly found ways of working around things. Meanwhile, there are those who are seeing the opportunities within the constraints. This week's stories highlight people who have learned to change their frame and embrace and dance with the ever-changing life. --Guri
Kindness In the News
This story starts with two men in a friendly competition. Scott learned to bake from scratch after being furloughed from his job. His friend Jeremy challenged him to a bake-off. And so it began.
Ann knew it would be just her and her husband for Thanksgiving meal this year. However, when she received an offer for a fantastic deal from the supermarket, she did not decline the opportunity.
Since 1926, the Quander family has been coming together for a family reunion every year. This StoryCorps clip shares how they find ways of keeping family history alive today.
Research says that it's bringing fathers closer to children, in a positive side effect of the pandemic lockdown. A Harvard survey of parents found that 68% of fathers in the United States say they now feel closer to their kids. Read the full article HERE.
KindSpring is a 100% volunteer-run platform that allows everyday people around the world to connect and deepen in the spirit of kindness. Current subscribers: 145,737