Hi achternaam, I've been reading the Bumblewee's owner's manual. I know, I know and I haven't broken anything yet. Must be growing up a bit, gourd forbid! Looking up how to pull the dash apart to pop in a high output bulb was a whole lot easier (maybe putting it back together without broken bits to contend with) after studying the book. As you do, I wandered off and flicked through the 'Riding Tips' section. Chuck me farley, if ya have to read the bit about pulling in the clutch (2), pushing the gear lever (3) downward, slowly increasing the engine revolutions via throttle grip (4) and slowly releasing the clutch, while gently turning the throttle in the direction of the arrow (5) until the motorcycle moves in a forward direction. You really shouldn't have a real bike! I can see the son of a wealthy Saudi oil baron working their way through the manual armed with a carbon fibre shemagh, a big box of bandaids and a couple of litres of Dettol. Strutharama! Despite the plaintive calls of paintbrushes and garden rakes, the call of Spring riding holds a stronger pull. Some mates, sunny days, interesting roads and products to test. Hmmmmmm, maybe even a swim in the ocean. Where was I? Oh, rabbiting on as usual. |