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The Voice of the DBA

Rollbacks Are Normal

Do any of you think that a rollback of a version for your application is easy? Most people struggle, and when I talk DevOps and improving your process, the number one question is about rollbacks. In fact, recently I had a few people that struggled to even listen to the early parts of DevOps because all they could think about were previous failed releases and the need to roll back. They kept saying, what about rolling back. Hopefully you can stick with me a bit longer.

I'd argue that rollbacks are the process that needs DevOps more than ever, with smaller, more regular releases and practice at making changes. Whether forward or backward, we ought to be able to rev our software easily. I ran across a piece from the cloud platform blog at Google called Reliable releases and rollback - CRE life lessons. The title is an interesting one, but suspend some of your database skepticism until the end.

It's easy to consider rolling back in the early parts of the article and say "it's way easier to roll back your application", and it is. Applications just stomp down new (or old) versions on top of what's there, which is often an easy thing to do. As they say at Google, "rollbacks are normal", which certainly seems to fit with the application paradigm.

In fact, they recommend rolling back a good release. After all, it's much easier to practice this sort of thing when you have a working new version of software. When the release breaks your system, as mentioned in the piece, everyone's stress level rises and the fixes often aren't well built. Even when they work, which isn't anywhere near all the time, there are often problems later. The idea should be to roll back and ensure everyone knows how to undo a version change. They can document the reasons for rollback and get the previous state of the application running. I hadn't thought about this, but it makes sense. Practice in advance and be prepared. You can always re-deploy the working version.

What about databases? They have a solution, and I like it. They want the app developers to build two versions of the application. One pre-schema change, and post. That way you deploy the first version, then the schema change(s). Then you deploy the second version. If there's an issue, you rollback to the first version and undo the database changes. This sounds hard, but once you get into the swing of building code that survives additive changes to the database, this is easy.

This doesn't solve any destructive changes to the database, like dropping objects or manipulating data. I would suggest that drops are a completely separate release, and have a full backup (or snapshot) taken and saved for awhile. For data manipulation, save off the previous state of data, just in case you need to reload things.

Becoming better at not only delivering changes to the customer, but also removing them when issues are detected is a valuable skill, and since we're likely to have a bad release at some point, this might be a way to even further reduce the risk of deploying database changes.  

Steve Jones from SQLServerCentral.com

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The Voice of the DBA Podcast

Listen to the MP3 Audio ( 4.7MB) podcast or subscribe to the feed at iTunes and Libsyn. feed

The Voice of the DBA podcast features music by Everyday Jones. No relation, but I stumbled on to them and really like the music.


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Simplifying SOX Compliance in DevOps

Being compliant shouldn’t have to result in restricting your own work or slowing down your release time. Microsoft Data Platform MVP Grant Fritchey will explore how IT Teams fit into this story and how to best protect your company and customers.
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Stairway to Biml Level 8 – Using the Relational Database Metadata to Build Packages

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In this next level of the Stairway to Biml, we will examine how you can use the information stored in your RDBMS to build packages. More »


Free eBook: SQL Server Transaction Log Management

Press Release from Redgate

When a SQL Server database is operating smoothly and performing well, there is no need to be particularly aware of the transaction log, beyond ensuring that every database has an appropriate backup regime and restore plan in place. When things go wrong, however, a DBA's reputation depends on a deeper understanding of the transaction log, both what it does, and how it works. More »


The Changing Role of SQL Server Monitoring

As SQL Server estates continue to grow quickly, and change in nature, due to the ease with which new cloud-based, containerized or virtual machine-based SQL Servers can be provisioned, so too the role of the monitoring tool changes. More »


From the SQLServerCentral Blogs - Only one Log Reader Agent can connect to a database at a time error – Transaction Replication/CDC

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An interesting issue regarding SQL Server Transaction Replication/CDC log reader agent job can’t be started with the following error: Msg 18752, Level... More »


From the SQLServerCentral Blogs - SQL Server Automatic Tuning in the Real-World

jsterrett from SQLServerCentral Blogs

In SQL Server 2016 we saw Query Store.  Query Store was a game changer to help database administrators identify troublesome... More »

Question of the Day

Today's Question (by Steve Jones):

I have this code inside of the sample.py file.

 def TwiceThePrice(Price): Twice = Price * 2 print(Twice) 

I open a Python 3.5 REPL and import this file with this code:

 from sample import TwiceThePrice 

Now I edit the sample.py file in a text editor to add look like this:

 def TwiceThePrice(Price): Twice = Price * 2 print("$%d" % Twice) 

In the same REPL, I want to get the updated function definition with the dollar sign in the output. What should I do?

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Exam Ref 70-774 Perform Cloud Data Science with Azure Machine Learning

Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-774 and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of performing key data science activities with Azure Machine Learning services. Designed for experienced IT professionals ready to advance their status, Exam Ref focuses on the critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the MCSA level.  Get your copy today from Amazon.

Yesterday's Question of the Day

Yesterday's Question (by Steve Jones):

I have this table.

 CREATE TABLE UserConfig ( UserConfigKey INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT UserConfigPK PRIMARY KEY , UserID INT , IsActive BIT SPARSE , IsSubscriber BIT SPARSE , DefaultQuantity INT SPARSE )

How do I add a column set to this table?

Answer: This table needs to be dropped and recreated with the column set as part of the definition


A column set cannot be added to a table if there are already sparese columns. This table needs to be recreated with the column set in the original definition.

Ref: Use Column Sets - click here

» Discuss this question and answer on the forums

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T-SQL to compress (shorten) IPv6 address

jianqing_ye from SQLServerCentral.com

select dbo.udf_IPAddrCompress('2a03:b600:0104:0000:0000:0200:0000:0000');

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