What Makes the Star Libraries Shine Tuesday, December 11, 2018 11 AM-12 PM ET, 8-9 AM PT
Top performers on the LJ Index of Public Library Service, based on output data from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, are designated Star Libraries, recognizing their exceptional delivery on five metrics: circulation, e-circulation, library visits, program attendance, and public Internet computer use. This webcast will present top takeaways from this year’s Index, examine year over year trends since the inception of the project over a decade ago, and look at what important measurements of library service will be added to the Index in the next few years to better represent the full picture of what great American libraries provide to their patrons.
You will also hear from state library experts on how to collect the right data to take your rightful place among the stars, and how savvy honorees make the most of their Star status to increase buy-in and trust from their stakeholders and communities.
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Linda Hofschire, Director, Library Research Service, Colorado State Library
Keith Lance, Consultant, RSL Research Group
Whitney Payne, Director of Research and Statistics, Georgia Public Library Service
Meredith Schwartz, Executive Editor, Library Journal
Can't make it December 11th? No problem! Register now and we will email you when the webcast is available for on-demand viewing.
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