FBI sued for gender discrimination | Industrial professions struggle to source enough workers | What introverts should know about supervising extroverts
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Sixteen women -- nine who were once recruits -- have filed a lawsuit against the FBI for gender discrimination. The women claim they were exposed to inappropriate comments and sexual harassment by male instructors during their academy training. The New York Times (tiered subscription model) (5/29)
6 Key Areas on the CHRO's Agenda The HR function can become a major driver of competitive advantage for the business—now and in years to come. But how can the CHRO get into action? Explore 6 key areas that should be at the forefront of the CHRO's agenda. Download the paper.
Recruiting & Retention
Industrial professions struggle to source enough workers Companies are having trouble hiring for blue-collar jobs because of a lack of training programs, increased college enrollment and an enduring stigma surrounding such professions. "The image of these jobs as being hard and 'dirty' often discourages people from applying," says Aparna Mathur of the American Enterprise Institute. Association for Talent Development (5/28)
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States grapple with minimum wage, paid-leave policies Nevada, New Hampshire and Vermont are mulling legislation to boost the minimum wage, and paid-leave bills are on the docket in several states. Meanwhile, at the federal level, attorneys general from 15 states are considering whether to mount a legal challenge of proposed overtime rules. Chain Store Age (5/28)
Can AI make job postings more effective? A new artificial-intelligence tool called Textio can help HR professionals write better job postings and analyze them for unconscious bias, writes David Creelman, CEO of Creelman Research. He predicts that such tools will get more advanced over time and suggests that HR professionals become familiar with new technologies to understand their benefits and limitations. TLNT (5/24)
The HR Leader
Help leaders build a partnership with employees, HR exec says HR should help management and employees aim for the same goals, says Evangeline Chua, chief people officer for the Government Technology Agency of Singapore. "How does HR create the 'burning' platform for people to harmonize their fears and partner management to address them?" she says. Human Resources (Singapore) (5/27)
Confidence and doubt are at two ends of the scale, and you need both. They balance each other out.