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5 MAR 2021View in Browser
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Today's top news
Study finds mask mandates limit virus transmission, dining out spreads it
The study was released just as some states are rescinding mask mandates and restaurant limits.
Maine woman impaled by tree limb has 7 broken ribs, husband says
The crash in Sidney happened in an instant when a pine tree blown down by high wind struck the couple's vehicle.
New gathering limits should facilitate more high school sports opportunities
The state’s pending relaxation of mass-gathering guidelines may bode well for allowing fans at high school games.
UMaine student stops moving car to save driver who passed out at the wheel
While Joseph Cali was grateful for the positive messages, he said first responders do these lifesaving actions everyday and don’t often get the recognition they deserve.
2 Penobscot County Jail inmates test positive as outbreak grows
These are the first cases among inmates in an outbreak first reported last week that has now infected 13.
New Brunswick tightens border travel restrictions
New Brunswick’s government tightened border restrictions again last week, so that even family members of Canadian citizens can no longer enter the province via border crossings in Maine.
Are you from away? Take our quiz to see when you can come to Maine.
To help everyone “from away” navigate Vacationland’s new travel rules, the Bangor Daily News has put together a quiz to show how they apply to you.
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