Happy Sunday, everyone. There's a war on, folks. A war on meat. More specifically, there is a concerted effort by powerful forces to get people to stop eating meat, or at least seriously curtail its consumption. So when you hear someone like Bill Gates buying up farmland and telling you that meat-eating has a sell-by date fast approaching, know that he's serious. When you see Netflix pumping out slick vegan documentary after slick vegan documentary and half your co-workers watch it and decide to "try it out for a few months," know that this is all by design. There is a war on. Maybe the worst part is that "everyone knows" meat is bad for you, bad for the planet, bad for animals. This notion has been drilled into the collective unconscious so completely that even someone who's been eating Primal or paleo for over a decade gets a little nervous telling people how much meat they eat. At the very least, the awareness that the average person knows meat is terrible for human and planetary health is always on your mind. Right? Adaptogenic Calm is Buy One, Get One FREE this week.* Visit Primal Blueprint and enter the code GETCALM at checkout. Stock up and zen out! So these forces who want to change the way the entire world eats have fertile ground on which to play. They have a head start on the psychological battleground. The wind is at their backs. Yet they won't win. Meat eating is in our DNA. It's what our brains are founded on. It's what our bodies need to thrive and survive. Animal agriculture is required for the rest of agriculture to work. Without well-raised livestock, we rely completely on petrochemical fertilizers. That's the reality. Life as we know it wouldn't work if all animal agriculture was stricken from the planet. It would be bad. Ugly. Miserable. And that's why it won't happen. Because in the end, on a long enough timeline, reality asserts itself. Reality wins. That which works best ultimately emerges victorious. Part of reality winning, however, is you—yes, you—doing your part. Buying sustainably farmed meat and wild caught seafood when and where you can. Informing others. Not getting dejected or giving up. Shopping local. Buying whole cows with friends and family. Hunting and fishing. Growing your own food. Raising chickens. Whatever you can. What do you say? What do you think? Let me know what you think in the comment section of New and Noteworty. |