Surprise! Your Screw-up Just Made You Better

Dear John,

A couple of weeks ago I screwed up.  I made a bad mistake and it cost me both financially and emotionally.  The details aren’t really important but suffice it to say: It was clearly my fault and I was angry with myself. Essentially, I wondered why I did what I did. 
I spent some time thinking about the entire situation and I realized two things:

  1. I can’t take back things that happened in the past. That’s over.  I’ve done everything I can to apologize and make things right. Now it’s time to move on.
  2. This can be fuel to help propel me forward and it can boost my confidence. 

Let me explain.
The financial fallout from this screw-up could have set me back and effected the plans I had for business growth, but I refused to allow that to happen.
I took the anger I had (with myself) and I used it as motivation to connect with current clients and prospects.  I asked good questions. I listened and I offered to help them. In short: I sold.
Most of these people thanked me for my concern but refused my offers.  They rejected me. In fact, I was rejected by 95% of the people with whom I spoke.
But the 5% who engaged me as a result of this outreach made up for more than DOUBLE the revenue I lost through my own error. 
I was so angry with myself, I plowed right through the rejections. They didn’t bother me at all. In fact, I didn’t even notice them. 
The lesson: When the pain you face is so great that you can’t stand it, you’ll ignore all obstacles and take control of your activity and make things happen…if that is what you decide to do. 
How you can use this information:  Reflect upon what you don’t have and how it is impacting you, your family, and your future. Think about how much better your life would be if you achieved that financial threshold.  Use that as fuel to motivate you to have conversations with people to who you can deliver value.
Money doesn’t solve all problems but throwing yourself into sales can be therapeutic.  
And while you use sales as therapy, remember: Rejection is not about you. It’s about the people with whom you are speaking. They just don’t recognize the value you are offering, or they are just not ready to receive it.  Move forward through the rejection with your eyes fixed on your financial and lifestyle goals.
We all screw-up. Sometimes badly.  The best medicine (after trying to make things right) is to throw yourself into growth mode.
That’s what I learned this week.
I hope it benefits you.
If you want more great information on sales, business strategy, and growth, visit my YouTube channel. I added 10 new videos for you this week.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Dave Lorenzo

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