“You don’t so much look at a car’s interior, but you feel it. Luxury these days means made to measure; something that’s been created as an extension of your personality and that you want to keep forever. We pick certain clothing because of the style and the feeling and fluidity of the materials – a car is a layer that surrounds you in the same way so why not treat it in a glamorous and sensual manner? I proposed the Citroën CX to the Hôtel de Crillon because I think it’s a very interesting car in terms of its shape and design, and it resonates with Parisians especially because our former president Jacques Chirac used a CX around the city for a long time. The relationship Parisians have with the car nowadays is a disaster. We all use the same black Ubers with black interiors and tinted windows – I honestly feel like I’m in a coffin when I ride in one. In this car, it’s very bright and the windows are clear. Suddenly the relationship between the occupants and the city is much more open and intimate and it makes people behave themselves a bit more. It’s also a chance to be a bit arrogant and show off your taste for luxury. Parisians are arrogant, so it’s perfect!” Tristan Auer Interior designer | |