Assess your digital leadership position and readiness -
Hi John,

In the new economic climate, rising consumer expectations are reshaping digital commerce interactions. Nearly 61% of consumers state a negative ecommerce experience would make them less likely to shop with a retailer or brand in the future, according to 451 Research.

This is a time for digital leaders. Businesses must implement new technologies and infrastructure to deliver customer experiences which connect on an emotional level.

We invite you to take the “Laggard or Leader—Test Your Digital Commerce Maturity” Quiz, sponsored content from Magento, an Adobe Company. This Quiz will allow you to assess your digital leadership position. As a reward, you will receive  “Digital Commerce Maturity—Leaders Deliver Revenue Growth,” a complimentary report commissioned by Adobe from 451 Research.

Lead the way, set the standard—take the Quiz.

eMarketer Editors

This Quiz is sponsored content made possible by Magento, an Adobe Company.

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