Talk tech with us in our shiny new Discord community!

⚡️Want a place to chat about coding, design, the web, and technology at large with likeminded people?

🏝 Work remotely and need a community that can travel with you?

We've opened our own Discord community, and there's already 400+ people waiting to chat with you!

We have dedicated channels to discuss languages, frameworks, tech, games and more! Plus, we'll even be sharing little coding challenges to help you learn new skills – like this one in the #html-css channel:

Sign up to our Discord and start chatting with SitePoint staff, fellow members, and the wider developer community!
It's 100% free. Come on in and have a chat with us!
Chat to you soon!

Joel – Managing Editor @ SitePoint

48 Cambridge Street
Collingwood, VIC
3066 | Australia

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