Ted Cruz Personal Email -- May Include Privileged Communication Dear Friend, this is UNREAL. "Once in a lifetime," is not a strong enough phrase to describe the importance of this moment and the amount of pressure our campaign is under right now. AND I don't have anywhere else to turn -- so I'm turning to you. I need to ask you for a personal favor -- even though it may come at great personal expense. With only hours before tonight's MIDNIGHT FEC deadline -- and just a few days before the Wisconsin primary (perhaps the most important primary before the RNC nominating convention) -- I need your help now more than ever. I'm going to do my part -- to take on Donald Trump -- and show all of America that I'm the one candidate who will defeat Donald Trump, who will defeat Hillary Clinton in November, and who will reverse the years of destruction from Obama -- restoring our country to its founding, conservative principles. But I really need you to do your part too... You see: my campaign faces its biggest challenge in only a few hours, and I know we can win if I have the resources. But as of this morning, I am $189,326 short of what I need for my FEC deadline. Will you do your part right now -- before tonight's deadline -- by making a $35, $50, or $100 special gift? I hope you know me well enough by now to know that I wouldn't ask if it weren't vitally important and that I wouldn't ask you this favor if I wasn't willing to make the same deep sacrifices myself. Please let me briefly explain because I'm running out of time. Running for President of the United States has come at a steep price with relentless attacks coming from all sides on my family, my marriage, and worst of all, attacks against my young children. It is only by the grace of God, the prayers of my friends and family -- my dad is a prayer warrior -- and the continued support of people just like you have I been able to endure such deep personal sacrifices. Friend, this battle I fight daily is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. But, if I'm being honest, I must share something with you... Every single time we have a victory for the campaign or that we see a bump in the polls -- the negative attacks double and triple against us. Between Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, the liberal media, and the Washington Cartel, there is not one moment where they are not savagely attacking me. And Friend, by extension of our shared conservative values, they're attacking YOU too. Rest assured -- no matter how hard they try to drag my name through the mud, I will not give in to them. But now, I really need you to make your own personal sacrifice for this campaign -- click here to make a special sacrificial donation of $35, $50, or even $10 if you can afford it. You see: the sacrifices I'm making for our campaign are deep and personal. I'm proud and even honored to be making them on your behalf, but today, before the most important deadline that we face at MIDNIGHT, I need to hear back from you personally. To make it as quick and easy as possible for you to respond, I've asked my team to put together the secure links below. You can use them to make an instant, secure gift to support me when I need it most: I WILL HELP WITH $3 BEFORE MIDNIGHT >>> I WILL HELP WITH $35 BEFORE MIDNIGHT >>> I WILL HELP WITH $100 BEFORE MIDNIGHT >>> I WILL HELP WITH $250 BEFORE MIDNIGHT >>> I WILL HELP WITH $1000 BEFORE MIDNIGHT >>> Please, time is critical. Friend, I hope to hear back from you before tonight's deadline passes. For liberty, Ted Cruz