The pair will fund wholesale data centers in the US and Europe. | Data centers remain vulnerable to attacks against operational technology – and broader adoption of IoT isn't helping. | | Lonestar has signed contracts for its first two missions, and could start offering off-world server capacity as early as 2023. | The firm reports record data center construction, and record colocation demand – but the industry continues to suffer from staffing shortages. | | Local opposition might have killed what experts describe as a very efficient facility. | Vantage now operates 26 data center campuses across five continents, up from one geographic location in 2016. Here’s how it happened. | | Move comes as data volumes explode, driving demand for cloud services. | Achieving the longest revenue growth streak of any S&P500 company. | | Potential suitors include GDS Holdings and EdgeConneX, sources told Bloomberg. | A new business unit called Quantum will focus on modular data centers built in 100kW increments, worldwide. | | |