That Stupid Little Puppy From Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Hilarious, Heroic, Human Dog By Leslie Wibberley When you feel lousy, puppy therapy is indicated. ~Sara Paretsky When my girls were seven and ten, they set out on a mission to convince my husband and me that our family needed a dog. They promised to groom it, feed it, and walk it daily. My husband, wise soul that he is, told them, “If you’re serious, you need to prove it to us.” And so... the “Dog Project” was born. The girls would need to research what type of dog would fit our family’s needs and how much it would cost — not only to buy the dog, but all the costs for that dog’s first year. Then they would need to walk a neighbour’s dog, every day, for a period of six months, rain, snow, or shine. (Keep reading) |