If you’re not already a subscriber to Craig’s Morning Messages, you’re missing out. Short, actionable, and insightful, these 2-3-sentence inspirations cut through the seas of information we swim through every day. They capture the most important lessons of Craig’s coaching career, the principles he shares at regular workshops, and the philosophies that ground his seminal book, “The Perfect Day Formula.” Most importantly, they help you refocus on the things that really matter to you. So take a few minutes and meditate on these. Then… …subscribe to the Morning Message list via the link below. And get ready for serious success wisdom that you will come to crave every morning. # Whom you associate with is more important than you could ever imagine. Surround yourself with people who are better than you; they will bring out the best in you. Drop the negatives. Hang around positive people. And most importantly, believe in—and expect more of—yourself. # Look back at a mistake you made this week. Don’t regret it. Instead, learn from it. Ask yourself, "How could I have acted better? What must I do next time?" Learn, change, improve. Turn defeat into victory. # Lean into rejection. Dare someone to say “no” to you. Get no after no after no and realize it's not bad. It's good. You learn when you lose. No = good. No = growth. No = being better next time. # When anger strikes, defeat it with love. When fear is felt, defeat it with love. When envy rises, defeat it with love. Nothing has the power to change your life like love. It heals hurt. It mends wounds. It brightens paths. Love is the answer. It is the only answer. # Every Monday gives us a FRESH start to begin again—and also to help others start anew. Go out and do what is right for you. Don’t hold back on giving others the same opportunity. The world needs you now more than ever. # We all struggle on the way to the top—every champion, every self-made millionaire, and everyone who turns their life around. But those who succeed persist, and they never, ever give up on what is important to them. Persistence comes before success in the dictionary—and in life. 1 Read on at earlytorise.com: Get more motivational wisdom from Craig Ballantyne... |