Dear Reader, Imagine you were just months away from retiring when the financial crisis hit back in 2008. Suddenly, your nest egg was cut by 20%, 30%, even 50%, or more. That’s not so bad if you’re in your 30s or 40s and have plenty of time to recover. But it’s a terrifying feeling if you need that money to carry you through the rest of your life. It’s the biggest mistake I see average investors make… They either try to time the top… or they just get paralyzed with the great gains that are common during a bull run… And they never get around to turning their nest egg into steady, reliable income. After all, income is what you need in retirement. Money that comes in month after month and takes care of your loved ones even if you’re no longer there. Most investors only become un-paralyzed with the bull market when it crashes. And then they try to turn that nest egg into income, after they’ve lost 20–50% of their money. I get it. They’re enjoying the big gains we’ve been having over the last 10 years. And they don’t want the party to end. But what if I told you there was a way to have your cake and eat it too? What if I told you that you could enjoy big gains AND big income? It’s true. I call it All-Weather Income. All-Weather Income is amazing to have. It means you’re safe and secure, no matter what the market does. But it doesn’t just materialize... You need a strategy. A strategy that you can use now to prepare to make money in good times and in bad. That’s why I’m hosting my upcoming All-Weather Income Strategy Summit. And I’d like to invite you to join us. At the Summit, I’ll share with you exactly which sector will fare best in the coming years, no matter what happens to the rest of the market. I’ll also show you how to take whatever nest egg you have now and turn it into reliable income, without sacrificing big gains. In fact, I’ll show you how this market sector is going to outperform the rest of the market over the next several years… and spin off dividend income of 5%, 7%, even 9%, or more. Will you join us at the Summit? You can get all the details here. Robert Ross Senior Equity Analyst
P.S. Big gains, safety, and income too? That’s why I love investing in this market sector after a Diamond Cross. |