The publication of our December cover story, a list of the 40 wealthiest Canadians, generated huge reader interest. Canadians, it turns out, are curious about the billionaires in our midst. No publication in this country had compiled such a list since our sister magazine, Canadian Business, last did one in 2017. Since then, several fresh faces have appeared, such as crypto king Changpeng Zhao, tech CEO Ryan Cohen and alcohol baron Anthony von Mandl.
The public likes to see who holds the most money, learn which industries are wealth generators and scrutinize which billionaires are self-made and which ones came into massive family money. Some readers, however, expressed their disdain for the entire enterprise. Why should Maclean’s measure the wealth of the richest people in the country when ordinary citizens are struggling to pay their bills? The appearance of two grocery giants—Galen Weston and the Sobey family—especially annoyed readers who have watched the price of eggs and milk skyrocket over the last few years.
But of course that’s exactly the point: regardless of what you think about late-stage capitalism and its particular expression here in Canada, our system allows for a small group of select people to acquire massive amounts of wealth. Who are they? Take a look at the list.
—Sarah Fulford, editor-in-chief