By Daryl Cagle - Nov 10, 2023 07:47 pm
If there’s one truth about cartooning, it’s that editors and readers love holiday cartoons, but most cartoonists hate drawing them. This week was no exception. Cartoons celebrating Veterans Day dominated out list of the most-reprinted cartoons this week. Congratulations to Dave Granlund, who had four cartoons on this week’s top ten list, including the first three. Two of Granlund’s most-reprinted cartoons were focused on Veterans Day, while the third touched on reports that credit card debt in the U.S. has exceeded $1 trillion for the first time, a fact most readers (and cartoonists) can relate to. Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week: #1. Dave Granlund See our new video podcast with Joe Biden bashing cartoons! Daryl and conservative cartoonists Rivers, Gary McCoy and Michael Ramirez discuss President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden in right-wing bubble cartoons. Come see how the other half thinks! #2. Dave Granlund #3. Dave Granlund #4. John Darkow #5. Guy Parsons #6. Rick McKee #7. Jeff Koterba #8. Rick McKee #9. Pat Bagley #10. Dave Granlund Please support our site! Become a HERO! ... Finish reading in browser »