By Daryl Cagle - Jun 06, 2020 02:17 pm Here are the ten most popular cartoons of the week (May 30 -June 6, 2020). Our Top Ten is a measure of how many of our subscribing newspaper editors choose to reprint each of our cartoons, from the 63 cartoonists in our syndication package. Just about half of America's daily, paid circulation newspapers subscribe to Here are the ten most popular cartoons of the week (May 30 -June 6, 2020). Our Top Ten is a measure of how many of our subscribing newspaper editors choose to reprint each of our cartoons, from the 63 cartoonists in our syndication package. Just about half of America's daily, paid circulation newspapers subscribe to There is a disconnect between what cartoonists want to draw, what editors want to print, and what readers want to see; this week that divide was plain to see again as there were no cartoons about President Trump in the Top Ten. Cartoonists focused on Trump's violent crowd clearing and Bible thumping, church photo op, drawing many great and passionate cartoons criticizing the president this week, but that is not what newspaper editors wanted. Getting cartoons in front of readers is one of the goals of every cartoonist. Regrettably, many of our cartoonists get few or no reprints, especially the foreign cartoonists. 20% of the cartoonists get 80% of the sales and reprints, and most of the cartoonists never make it into the Top Ten. Come to my blog and see these cartoons!... Finish reading in browser »