Researchers recently published a study in the journal Clinical Oncology that's challenging everything we thought we knew about dietary fats and cancer. The year-long study followed 100 men with early-stage prostate cancer, and the conclusions are startling. Here's what they discovered... Men who cut back on omega-6 fats (found in common seed oils like canola, corn, and cottonseed) and increased their omega-3s (found in fish) saw their tumor aggression markers drop 15 percent. However, the participants who stuck to their regular Western diet which is loaded in so-called "heart-healthy" seed oils saw their cancer markers surge by a whopping 24 percent! So, how could something that’s promoted as healthy potentially fuel cancer growth? Well, it all comes down to inflammation. You see, seed oils are packed with omega-6 fats. When you consume too many omega-6s, it triggers inflammation. And inflammation doesn’t just cause achy joints it creates the perfect environment for cancer cells to thrive. In other words, seed oils trigger the inflammation that, in turn, fuels cancer. Despite this compelling evidence, mainstream health organizations like the American Heart Association still insist these oils are perfectly safe. Sadly, this is FAR from the first time conventional medicine has been slow to acknowledge new research. So, that means you, once again, will need to take steps to protect yourself.Replace seed oils (corn, canola, cottonseed) with healthier alternatives like olive or avocado oil. Seed oils are hidden in many processed foods, so read food labels carefully.Boost your omega-3 intake with foods like fatty fish (like salmon), flaxseeds, and walnuts.Remember, while the medical establishment might be slow to change its tune, the evidence is mounting. The oils you choose to include in your diet could have a significant impact on your health. Health and Happiness, Dr. Scott Olson, ND P.S. Discover how the "War on Fat" is harming your health. Ed. Note: Please send your feedback: - and click here to like us on Facebook or click here to follow us on Twitter. SOURCE: Aronson WJ, Grogan T, Liang P, Jardack P, Liddell AR, Perez C, Elashoff D, Said J, Cohen P, Marks LS, Henning SM. High Omega-3, Low Omega-6 Diet With Fish Oil for Men With Prostate Cancer on Active Surveillance: The CAPFISH-3 Randomized Clinical Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2024 Dec 13:JCO2400608. doi: 10.1200/JCO.24.00608. |