October 24, 2016

Is there some magical, much-more-efficient design coming for solar panels?  That's the impression I got from the teaser pitches from Oilprice.com that promised the potential for 20,000% gains from "The Death of Silicon Solar Cells" ... so I decided to look into the ad and let the Mighty, Mighty Thinkolator figure out what they're actually talking about... and, of course, the reality is a little different. Just click below to...

Worried about the possibility of another large scale U.S. financial crisis? You are not alone. Several successful billionaires have gone on record with warnings that we are now living in perilous financial times. Some of the most well-connected individuals in finance, and government agree... Learn more.
What did you miss last week?

The biggest attention-getter on the week was the "Bell Power" pitch from Casey's Extraordinary Technology, which pitched a very different play on the solar story, you can find my piece on that and the ensuing discussion here.

We also looked at another "hot ticket" story in alternative energy:  "White Oil." Tons of readers have been asking about this one, it's a pitch from Louis Basenese for his VentureCap Strategist... the spiel is all about this "white oil" that is apparently thousands of times more efficient than "black oil" and can solve all our energy problems and make us rich.  So what the  heck is he talking about?  I suspect you've probably already got a bit of an idea, but we'll share what we found and walk through some of the companies if you click here.

And the drug that cures a deadly strain of "Old Man's Friend" was much discussed this week as well -- that's owned by a biotech company being touted by Ernie Tremblay, and we looked into it and got some Thinkolator answers for you right here.

We started the week with Dave Lashmet's "Secret Resource Monopoly" pitch, which you can see here.

And I closed it out with the Friday File for the Irregulars, looking at a Marin Katusa teaser as well as checking up on a half dozen other companies of interest... if you missed that email on Friday you can see it here.
Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.

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