I've spoken about the significance of being open to opportunities, even if they're new to you.

By that, I mean isolating the best opportunities, regardless of what they might be.

The other day, I alerted Bullseye Unlimited members to a “time of uncertainty” trade on Johnson & Johnson (JNJ).

"In times of uncertainty, utilities, staples, and classic Warren Buffet-type stocks shine. JNJ is one of those."

I laid out my plan.


And while we may be discussing an ordinary stock like Johnson & Johnson…

If it creates a triple-digit opportunity, do you even care what you're trading?

The same is true with Meta Platforms (META)...while most of the world gave up on this trade, Bullseye Unlimited members heard differently…

"After making a nice trade off the bottom in November, this is the first time I'm looking at META again. It's consolidated for two months and is making a nice flag pattern…."

Even during a failed Santa rally in markets…

Bullseye Unlimited members and I laughed it off.

All of this from only TWO recent Bullseye Unlimited trade alerts!

Imagine three of these hitting your inbox and smartphone every trading day.

It’s a dream that can instantly become a reality!

And no, not every trade I hand you will be an instant winner, but you bet I cut losses quickly!

You need me on your team to guide you through 2023’s questionable market.

I'm a trained economist – trading is my business, trading is my career.

There’s really no other way to go.

And Those Lucky Enough to Beat This Seat Count Can Get Started Right Away!

But when those seats fill, outsiders will watch trades pass them by while NO NEW MEMBERS ARE ALLOWED IN.

Don’t risk making that mistake.

Join Bullseye Unlimited Right Now.

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