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Are you ready for the new European clinical trial regulation?

he new European Clinical Trial Regulation (ECTR) will replace the 2001/20/EC Directivethe directive that currently describes how clinical trials should be conducted in Europe. The main objectives of the new ECTR are to make Europe attractive again for research and development (R&D) initiatives, to create an environment that is favourable for conducting clinical trials, and to encourage more sponsors to conduct trials across the European Union (EU) member states. The regulation will have a major impact on the conduct of clinical trials.

The Regulation will include:

  • More harmonized and efficient clinical trial application procedures;
  • Increased transparency regarding clinical trial data;
  • Provisions that should be considered by sponsors to enhance safety and efficacy of drugs.

The implementation of 2001/20/EC Directive was an important step towards the harmonization of clinical trials in Europe, but as it was still subject to individual member state interpretations there were discrepancies in the laws between countries. This resulted in higher costs for sponsors and long trial start-up timelines. The number of newly registered clinical trials per year in Europe is declining in the past decade. The new ECTR aims to create a uniform framework for electronic clinical trial authorization and a centralized assessment of the application dossier. This will re... Read more

CATO SMS is a full-service clinical and regulatory contract research organization (CRO), specializing in complex areas such as (immuno-) oncology, advanced therapeutics and orphan diseases. We offer regulatory consulting and drug development affairs in addition to clinical trial management services, leveraging the experience and expertise in all disciplines to the full benefit of your company. We are committed to supporting small and mid-sized biotech, top-tier pharmaceutical companies and investigator groups from strategy to approval, from phase I to IV. CATO SMS employs over 320 dedicated professionals with offices and operations in over 25 countries around the globe including the United States (US), Canada, Europe, Israel and South Africa. Offices are strategically located close to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Washington, US.
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