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Customer support: Unleash your superpowers with AI

Flawless customer service directly translates to bottom line success. And that means reading customers’ minds by offering real-time, reliable responses wherever they are. Join our live interactive event for a deep dive into how AI can help you accelerate your customer service.

How AI turns customers into big-spending brand loyalists

We’re calling it: AI has forced a marketing paradigm shift, driving personalized, real-time, right-place consumer engagement at significantly lower cost. Join our latest interactive VB Live event in the new year to find out how to use AI to disrupt, instead of be disrupted.

ASO or GTFO: App store optimization FTW

Want to easily double — or even triple — your organic downloads with ASO? Our latest in-depth VB Insight report has the secret. For a deep dive into the insights our analysts have uncovered, key takeaways and answers to your questions, join our latest interactive VB Live event!

Subscription success: What's Birchbox got that you don't?

How did Birchbox become more than just another e-commerce fad? And how do you apply those marketing lessons to your own e-commerce models — beyond box subscriptions to all kinds of subscription and beyond? Join our latest interactive VB Live event for an in-depth conversation with top execs from the best subscription services in the biz.

Don't miss out on any of these excellent discussions-- register to attend live via your desktop browser or mobile device -- and you can pick the brains of our panels of experts in the privacy of your office.

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