It doesn't matter what you're trading, or investing in... You can't put too many eggs in any one basket.
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Dear Reader,

It doesn't matter what you're trading, or investing in...

You can't put too many eggs in any one basket.

I've even told those following my specific Melt Up model portfolio not to put more than 10% - 20% of their investments into those recommended positions.

Not due to a lack of confidence – but an abundance of caution.

One thing I have learned over the years – you can't get too greedy.

If the recent pullback in stocks hit you harder than it should have, and you're worried about what to do next, here's what you should do today...

Mark your calendar for Wednesday, January 23 at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

My colleague, Dr. David Eifrig is an absolute expert at protecting and growing wealth at the same time. Most people think it's impossible. But Dr. Eifrig is one of the few people I trust who has clearly figured it out.

And his current warning that 2019 will bring critical investing decisions for older Americans is something I believe all my readers should see.

Dr. Eifrig is concerned that older Americans are holding assets they don't fully understand...

With interest rates so low for so long, many people at or near retirement are reaching for yield.

Which means you could be exposed to investments of much lower quality than you think, especially if you have any money in mutual funds.

And that's what his Urgent Market Briefing on Wednesday is all about.

While many people may think that Dr. Eifrig's current warning and my Melt Up thesis are at odds with one another... That couldn't be further from the truth.

Dr. Eifrig is a very serious analyst, with serious pedigree. He's worked at the finest banks on the planet, like Goldman Sachs and Chase Manhattan. He worked alongside a Nobel prize winning economist (who gifted Doc a personally inscribed edition of his book.)

The truth is that you can't put too many eggs in one basket. And I think it would be a serious mistake not to consider his warning right now.

In addition to explaining why 2019 will be a critical year for retirees...

He's even going to give away two free recommendations with 8% and near 10% dividend yields for those who attend.

These are the kind of recommendations you could benefit from moving money into if you currently have more than 20% of your money in the Melt Up.

Ignore this advice at your own risk...

Or make the decision to sign up for Dr. Eifrig's Urgent Market Briefing today.


Steve Sjuggerud
Editor, DailyWealth

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