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| | Carole Rickard Hedden | Aviation Week & Space Technology These exceptional aerospace students are honored by Aviation Week and the AIAA for their academic accomplishements and extracuriccular activities. | Lara Seligman | Aviation Week & Space Technology The Pentagon has laid out an ambitious spending plan for the U.S. military this year, but several programs still got slashed. | | Advertisement Engines for decades – the formula for success of MTU Aero Engines! We offer our customers and partners products and services that cover the entire lifecycle of commercial and military engines. Our use of innovative technologies and high-tech repair techniques results in efficient, sustainable products and solutions for the aviation of tomorrow.
| | Patrick Veillette, Ph.D. | Business & Commercial Aviation The sky above the alpine landscape during twilight can be much brighter than the terrain below as the sun sets there early. | Jen DiMascio, Lara Seligman and James Drew The president has asked Congress to spent about $700 billion on the U.S. military in fiscal 2019, providing a cash infusion for fighter aircraft, the nuclear arsenal, missile defense, navy lasers and more. | | Aviation Week & Space Technology Featured Analysis | |