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| SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES | This March Play Has Averaged 140% - Get The Ticker FREE
Dear Derek, Have you heard of Shah's "Undefeated Plays"? He recommends them on the first trading day of each month, and as the name implies... they tend to do pretty well. Looking back at the markets he found that each play has consistently risen during its special month for five straight years, and not just some tiny amount. They've averaged 95% gains - monthly! Sometimes they do even better... Shah's Undefeated Play for December returned 108% in 6 weeks... And his Undefeated Play for January did 116% in just 4 weeks. February's play is still open (but already up)... And now March's play is set to go live in exactly one week! It's averaged 140% each March for the last 5 years... while the S&P has managed a paltry 0.4%! Get more details straight from Shah here... Including the free ticker symbol for March's upcoming play. But hurry... you'll want to get it BEFORE it goes live. Getting in at the start of the month can really help maximize the potential returns. Sincerely, Amanda |