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July 16, 2016


The Top 30 Independent Broker/Dealers in 2016
The list below is comprised of the 30 largest IBDs ranked by average assets under management per advisor, as of 2015.

60-40 Is Looking Tired

Brad Zigler

The equity/bond ratio rule of thumb worked well, until it didn’t. Advisors need to turn elsewhere to hedge their risks.

Asset Managers Had Worst Year Since Financial Crisis

Diana Britton

The asset management industry had the weakest year since the 2008 financial crisis in 2015, with assets under management barely growing at all, says the Boston Consulting Group.

New Education Resources Help Advisors With DOL Rule

Thomas Seubert

Morningstar and the American Retirement Association debut a new education program to help advisors comply with the DOL rule. Meanwhile, 1st Global’s DOL Rule Task Force will lead a workshop on the regulation.

Mutual Funds That Benefitted Most From the Pokemon Bump

Diana Britton

Did your clients' portfolios benefit from the Pokemon Go bounce? Here are the five mutual funds with the highest weighting of Nintendo stock.

How Data Visualization Will Change Wealth Management

Michael Snizek

Data could have the biggest impact on wealth management since Excel.

Robo Advisor Betterment Hits the $5 Billion Mark

Julie Verhage | Bloomberg

Betterment LLC has surpassed $5 billion in assets under management, the first independent robo-adviser to do so.

Succession Planning Is Not About You. It's About Your Clients.

Mike Lockwood

Recruiting millennials does not mean changing everything about your practice. It may, however, mean being open to new ideas and technology.

June 2016 Fintech Report Card: 8 Top Tech Events

Aaron Klein

Welcome to the June edition of the Riskalyze Fintech Review, where Riskalyze CEO Aaron Klein gives you the thumbs up or thumbs down on the biggest pieces of news to hit advisor technology in the last month.

The Richest Generation in U.S. History Just Keeps Getting Richer

Ben Steverman | Bloomberg

Baby boomers started turning 65 in 2011, marking the unofficial beginning of their retirement years. The timing could not have been better for older boomers.

Am I Building Trust With My Clients? 10 Questions to Ask Yourself

Barbara Brooks Kimmel

It’s easier than advisors might think to build trust with existing and potential clients.