20 fall instant pot recipes. I’ve collected some of the best instant pot recipes before, but now I want to dig into the recipes for the Instant Pot that are the perfect match for fall. From instant pot chili recipes to instant pot turkey recipes, there’s nothing you will have trouble making in your instant pot. GET ALL 20 RECIPES HERE. 100+ Things to Do in Oklahoma City (OKC) by District A few weeks ago, I had the honor of partnering with Visit OKC (#SeeOKC) to dive in even more than I have thus far. The best part was that my dear friend Tammilee, from TammileeTips.com, was here to also partner with Visit OKC on a girl’s getaway with me. Exploring my home city with this Washington state girl was definitely a treat!
If you're considering a visit to Oklahoma City, I hope my guide of 100+ things to do comes in handy for ya. READ THE FULL GUIDE HERE. |
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