Hi friend,
The big question now is - how can we keep our karma good? Also, how do we get rid of past negative karma?

- Be grateful
Start listing out things you’re grateful for. Take some time to write everything down and then, put it up in a place where you can see it.

- Forgive
As stated earlier, karma is like a cycle. If people have hurt you in the past, they will eventually face the consequences. However, there’s a catch. Karma is one-sided. If you’re still harboring thoughts of vengeance and anger against your enemies, you’re likely to attract negative karma as well.
 - Watch what you say and do
Karma is all about your own actions and words. So, keep an eye over them. Make sure you only speak kind words and even if you have to communicate harsh truths, do so kindly. As for actions, avoid anything that you feel is negative.
To clarify any of the above-mentioned points or to gain insight on the nature of your obstacles in your life, visit our experts online!
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