“We chose to take a Porsche 924 on the winter edition of the Baltic Sea Circle rally for largely the same reason we chose to live out of a Range Rover last year: because we already had the car. If people don’t tell us we’re silly for attempting such a trip with such a car, then our idea is simply not silly enough! We suffered surprisingly little. The heater is 40-years old and we could still melt chocolate at minus-20 degrees; we never got stuck, despite our best efforts; and as a place to sleep, it pains me to say it outperforms the rooftop tent of the Range Rover. You can’t imagine how comfortable and warm it is – I’m 1.8m tall and I could sleep comfortably. It’s completely random that all these things worked so perfectly. We inadvertently found the ideal adventure sports car.” David Zu Elfe Photographer and filmmaker | |