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Ohio’s restaurants and bars will reopen with outside dining May 15 and inside dining May 21, and an industry group that advised the governor explained how they would do it to ensure safety for workers and customers. ...

Here is how Ohio’s restaurants and bars will reopen

Ohio’s restaurants and bars will reopen with outside dining May 15 and inside dining May 21, and an industry group that advised the governor explained how they would do it to ensure safety for workers and customers. ...

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Gov. Mike DeWine said he would veto a bill proposed by the Ohio House of Representatives that would ...

Coronavirus: DeWine would veto bill limiting power of health director

Gov. Mike DeWine said he would veto a bill proposed by the Ohio House of Representatives that would ...

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced that hair salons, barbershops, nail salons and day spas will be able...

Ready to get your hair, nails done? Here’s what to expect

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced that hair salons, barbershops, nail salons and day spas will be able...

The most important thing claimants for unemployment benefits can do to help their case — make sure t...

‘Human error’ is a top reason for jobless claim denials

The most important thing claimants for unemployment benefits can do to help their case — make sure t...

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost on Thursday announced his plans to trim more than $4.6 million from ...

AG Yost to trim $4.6M from his budget to offset state shortfall

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost on Thursday announced his plans to trim more than $4.6 million from ...

 The Justice Department on Thursday said it is dropping the criminal case against President Donald T...

Justice Department dropping Flynn's Trump-Russia case

The Justice Department on Thursday said it is dropping the criminal case against President Donald T...

 A member of the military serving as one of President Donald Trump’s valets has tested positive for ...

Trump valet has coronavirus; president again tests negative

A member of the military serving as one of President Donald Trump’s valets has tested positive for ...

 Vice President Mike Pence has called Iowa’s response to the coronavirus pandemic “a success story” ...

Pence to visit Des Moines amid increase in COVID-19 cases

Vice President Mike Pence has called Iowa’s response to the coronavirus pandemic “a success story” ...

 Joe Biden is back on the campaign trail, targeting the critical battleground state of Florida — but...

Biden uses virtual events to target battleground Florida

Joe Biden is back on the campaign trail, targeting the critical battleground state of Florida — but...

 Congress has failed in its bid to block President Donald Trump from engaging in further military ac...

Senate fails to override Trump veto on Iran conflict

Congress has failed in its bid to block President Donald Trump from engaging in further military ac...

 The U.S. Navy is in “rough waters” and suffering from leadership failures, the diplomat tapped to b...

Navy nominee: Service is in rough waters, cites leadership

The U.S. Navy is in “rough waters” and suffering from leadership failures, the diplomat tapped to b...

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