The successful candidate will become a community leader representing the Symphony and establishing relationships that support and foster its growth and success. [READ MORE]
Arts Reach New Ways Forward – a comprehensive package of breakthrough strategies to help you navigate uncertain times and be fully prepared for the future opportunities that await. [READ MORE]
The Development Manager, with the Executive Director and Board’s Development Committee, helps lead the School’s annual fund and overall development effort. [READ MORE] jobs
The Vice President & General Manager (GM) is a member of the senior leadership team and has overall responsibility for the management of orchestra operati [READ MORE] jobs
Based in Peoria, IL, the Peoria Symphony Orchestra, with an Annual operating budget of approximately $1.2 million is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Executive Director. [READ MORE] jobs
The goal of the Audience Development Manager, a new position at H+H, is to create and execute innovative strategies and tactics to increase attendance at H+H concerts by people of color, by students, and by groups. [READ MORE] jobs
We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the dance program and university through their teaching, research, and service. [READ MORE] jobs