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Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Strip on Friday night, as seen from southern Israel.
Israel-Hamas War Day 56 || Heavy Rocket Fire to Central Israel; Deaths of Six Hostages Held by Hamas Confirmed
Cochav Elkayam-Levy. “I never thought my work in international law and feminist theory would intersect in such a shocking way.”
Hamas' Campaign of Rape Against Israeli Women Is Revealed, Testimony After Testimony
Hilo Glazer  
Israeli hostage Mia Schem in tears while meeting her family for the first time after being released from Hamas captivity on Thursday.
Israel-Hamas War Day 55 || Six More Israeli Hostages Freed From Gaza; Report: Truce Extended for Another Day
Mia Schem in tears with her family as she returns from Hamas captivity, Thursday.
'They Were Drugged': Relatives of Freed Israeli Hostages Channel Hamas Captivity Horror
Yuval Doron Kastelman
Israeli Soldiers Who Killed Jerusalem Terrorists Shoot Dead Civilian
Nir Hasson  
Separation-based attempts at Palestinian-Israeli peace have failed spectacularly.
Analysis || Not Two States, Not One State: A New Way Out of Disaster for Israelis and Palestinians
Dahlia Scheindlin  
These are the Israeli hostages freed from Hamas captivity on Thursday.
These Are the Israeli Hostages Freed From Hamas Captivity on Thursday
Ofer Aderet  
Palestinian supporters of Hamas during a protest in Hebron last month.
Opinion || Why Hamas Killers Invoked God’s Name, Not the Liberation of Palestine
Anshel Pfeffer  
The 'curse tablet' Mt. Ebal
New Studies Debunk Controversial Biblical ‘Curse Tablet’ From Mt. Ebal
Ariel David  
מדור טיסות 24.11.23
'Even Within This Whole War, I Actually Like Israelis More'
Danna Frank - הארץ
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